Thursday, October 23, 2014

Dead Sea Products

Dead Sea Products

Dead Sea products are now some of the most popular on the market because of their health giving properties, which is provided by the unique chemical makeup of the med and salt water that is found in this amazing natural body of water. Fond in the Mediterranean basin, the Dead Sea is one of the natural wonders of the World and has been an important area for health and beauty treatments throughout history.

Understanding the unique nature of the Dead Sea

To create the amazing range of Dead Sea products that are now available, the chemical, mineral and vitamin makeup of the water and mud of the area has been studied and researched for its ingredients. The Dead Sea is known as a hypersaline body of water, which means it has one of the highest salt contents of any body of water in the World. Because Dead Sea products are sourced from one of the lowest places on Earth, the number of allergens and pollens is very low and reduces the effect of these on those who use the products.

Health and Beauty Therapies with Dead Sea Products

The use of the mud and water of the lake have been used for many years for their health giving properties. Many people with osteoarthritis travel to the Dead Sea for mudpacks that are known to help relieve the symptoms of this debilitating medical condition. In everyday life, the chance to use Dead Sea products on a regular basis can provide some of the health effects linked to the mud and water of the lake. The high level of vitamins and minerals within Dead Sea products provides a healthy glow to the surface of the skin and has been known to help reduce the visible effects of skin blemishes and acne 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Pita Bread Machine

Pita Bread Machines

Pita bread has become a widely used food item in American fusion cuisine and Mediterranean and Middle Eastern dishes. Commercial bakeries looking to capitalize on pita bread should invest in a pita bread machine. A pita bread machine starts with a dough mixture, measures out circular blanks, flattens them, and flips them, then runs them through a conveyor belt assembly through a gas oven, and then through a cooling rack, and allows for high volume production, running to 16,000 pitas per hour for high end models. A leading manufacturer has been making pita bread machines for over fifty years, and each one is uniquely designed and configured for the bakery that buys it. In many ways, a premium pita bread machine is a kinetic work of industrial art, with high temperature tunnel ovens that produce consistent, tasty pita breads.


Well-built pita bread machines run for years with routine maintenance, and are well engineered for high volume production. They can be configured to fit around your existing workflow, or you may want to build a dedicated structure for them. The machines are automated enough that you can put workers on different tasks in your bakery and maximize the efficiency of your operation.

Customer Service and Maintenance

Before you get your pita bread machine, look at the volume of production you'll need. While high-end machines can produce thousands of pitas - even tens of thousands - per hour, you'll need to get one that suits your existing workspace, and has capacity for your current customers, as well as reasonable expansion plans. The company that sells your pita bread machine will also focus on providing after-purchase support, including remote maintenance and answering questions about the installation. The goal is to keep the pita bread machine running for years, and keep you and your business growing, serving your local customer base.